The State of Volunteer Firefighters
By Member Joyce Shry
August 1, 2024

Without Volunteer Firefighters our communities we would be in trouble. They are the ones that people turn to in their time of need.

It’s great that we have Volunteers. I mean the world would literally burn without them (or find the money to get it done!)

Firefighters are the people you call when you need help - they are the ones to get the job done! Is it surprising to learn then that the majority of firefighters are volunteers?

That’s right, over 70% of Firefighters in the United States are volunteer! I know it’s a shocker. I thought for sure that more career fireman would be employed across the nation, but for some towns and counties that just isn’t an option.

That is why Volunteer Firefighters are so important. If they don’t have the training requirements and the willingness to save strangers, then those people might not be saved in their time of need.

A volunteer firefighter carries out the same functions as performed by a career firefighter; however, some responsibilities may vary from town to town and state to state. This can be a meaningful and important way to serve your neighbors and the community you love.

Sadly, the number of volunteers has decreased over the last several decades.

Why? It ultimately comes down to less people signing up. Some people just don’t see that being a volunteer firefighter is totally worth it!